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lunedì 31 agosto 2015

Letta oggi sulla bacheca FB di un'amica, mi ha colpito molto per la chiarezza del messaggio e la sua profondità.

I miei genitori mi hanno chiesto se sono gay.
E ho detto "Ha importanza?"
Loro hanno risposto "No,non molta".
Io ho detto loro "Si,sono gay".
Loro hanno risposto, "Stai fuori dalle nostre vite"...

Immagino fosse importante.
Il mio capo mi ha chiesto se sono gay.
Io detto "Ha importanza?".
Lui mi ha detto "No,davvero".
Io ho detto "Si,sono gay".
Lui mi ha risposto, "Sei licenziato,frocio"...
Immagino fosse importante.
Un mio amico mi ha chiesto se sono gay.
Gli ho detto,"Ha importanza?".
Lui mi ha risposta "No,davvero".
Gli ho detto,"Si,sono gay".
Lui mi ha risposto,"Non considerarmi più tuo amico"...
Immagino fosse importante.
Il mio compagno mi ha chiesto,"Mi ami?".
Gli ho detto "E importante?".
Lui mi ha risposto "Si".
Io ho risposto "Ti amo".
Lui ha risposto "Fatti abbracciare".
Per la prima volta qualcosa nella mia vita ha importanza.
Il mio Dio mi ha chiesto,"Ami te stesso?" 
Gli ho detto ,"Ha importanza".
Lui mi ha detto,"Si.".
Gli ho chiesto,"Come posso amare me stesso?Sono gay."...
Lui mi ha risposto,"Cosi che ti ho fatto"

Autore Anonimo

venerdì 28 agosto 2015

lunedì 24 agosto 2015

Foto ricordo del compleanno del mio schiavo John nel 2012.
Sono stata così buona che gli ho comprato la torta e gliel'ho fatta mangiare per terra direttamente dai miei piedi.

La gioia e la devozione sul volto del mio slave sono ancora incise nella mia memoria.

lunedì 17 agosto 2015

Non si può essere PADRONI di nessuno,se non si è PADRONI della propria vita.

sabato 15 agosto 2015

Le vostre masturbazioni mentali e le vostre fantasie non mi interessano.
Vi trovo solo assorbiti dai vostri egoistici piaceri e quindi inadatti a servirmi.

mercoledì 5 agosto 2015


«Ciò che conta non è quanto si vive, ma come si vive»

Martin Luther King
ucciso il 4 aprile 1968 a Memphis

martedì 4 agosto 2015

Gabriele in castità

Ecco qualche foto del mio animale in castità.. Soffre molto tra caldo e la mancanza di libertà, ma questo gli fa ricordare sempre chi è in comando.... 

sabato 1 agosto 2015

Orgasm Denial

Orgasm denial (also known as orgasm control, edging, peaking, surfing) is a sexual practice in which a person is kept in the plateau phase of the human sexual response cycle for an extended length of time. Depending on the nature of the game, they may be allowed an orgasm at the end (in which case, the orgasm is generally much stronger than normal), or deliberately denied one, either by deflation (in a male) or by granting only a ruined orgasm, in which case they will generally feel strong feelings of sexual frustration and submission…

An alternative form of orgasm denial is known as erotic sexual denial, this is the prevention of genital stimulation, either for an extended period of time or separate from a scene. One form of erotic sexual denial is the reduction or deprivation of ALL genital stimulation. To ensure a complete absence of genital stimulation, a chastity device may be used as a physical barrier to genital touch or to prevent full erection.
If the submissive partner whose orgasm is being controlled, is put into physical restraints (often referred to as tie and tease denial), this can better control the orgasm. Another possibility is for one partner to help produce multiple orgasms in the other.

Orgasm control can involve either one person being in control of the other’s orgasm, or a person delaying their own orgasm during sex or masturbation. To experience orgasm control, any method of sexual stimulation can be used – for example, manual, oral, intercourse, or with sex toys – either alone or by means of one or 

more active partners.
In a typical play scene, a Dominant will stimulate a submissive, gradually bringing them up to the point high in the plateau phase where an orgasm is actually building, and will then reduce the level of stimulation to just below that needed to trigger the orgasm.

When I say ‘stimulate’, denial play doesn’t even HAVE to require contact. A simple, effective instruction not to touch yourself or not to come without permission can be enough to drive a submissive wild. It’s that whole ‘wanting something you can’t have’ effect (this is a great way for online Dominants/submissives to play together).
Orgasm denial is a powerful form of control, both physically and psychologically. A Dominant knows how much their submissive wants to orgasm, they also know that they will give their all to fight that need, because they crave their Dominant’s approval more than their own pleasure.

By carefully varying the intensity and speed of stimulation, and by practising with the same partner to learn their responses, a person can be held in the highly aroused state near orgasm. 
This process may be repeated as desired, but at some point repetition may cause the urge to orgasm to become overwhelming. When a partner eventually provides enough stimulation to achieve an orgasm, it may be stronger than usual due to the increased tension and arousal that builds up during the extended stimulation.

Since orgasm control prolongs the experience of powerful sexual sensations occurring during the final build-up to orgasm, the physical demands of being kept or keeping oneself in this highly excited state for an extended time can induce a pleasurable, almost euphoric state, and at times creates changes within an individual’s perceived consciousness.

Pretty heady stuff, no? The feeling of having such control over another or indeed giving that control is powerful indeed. For me, personally, orgasm denial is an art form. Playing a submissive’s mind/body like a finely tuned instrument in order to elicit intense physical and mental responses is a joy almost beyond comparison. At the alternate end of the scale having a Dominant who is capable of making you feel that They know your mind/body better than you do yourself…well, that’s art.

The key to successful orgasm denial play is patience and practice. If you’re a Dominant, learn your submissive’s triggers and responses. If you’re a submissive, it’s common knowledge by now that I’m not a fan of topping from the bottom, but feedback before/after a scene is always a good idea. Let your Dominant learn/know how to get the most from you, the greater your submission, the deeper your Dominant’s approval.

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